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Problems Affecting the Feet, Knees and Ankles

Podiatry is not just about cutting toenails!

Podiatrists are involved with the care and treatment of all aspects of the feet, ankles, knees and lower limbs. If you have sore feet, foot pain, ankle pain or knee pain then there will be podiatry treatment to help you. Some common podiatry problems are listed below, however podiatrists can also diagnose problems relating to problems with walking, back pain and sports activity pain through gait analysis.

Common Podiatry Problems

There are many conditions affecting the feet, knees and ankles, such as:

It is our intention to describe fully all of the podiatry problems listed above, and more, on the podiatrist clinic website.

Information about conditions relating to the feet, ankles, knees and all aspects of healthcare can be found on the NHS Choices Website.